“If I told you a story about my childhood, it would include dogs, dirt, and mountains.”

Patsi grew up in Tennessee in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. She loved taking care of the family dogs and helping her father dig in rich garden dirt. Most of the time, she also loved her three older sisters.

Today, Patsi still likes all those things. She also likes digging into history to search for outrageous characters and amazing adventure stories.

If you want to know some of Patsi’s personal history, here are some tidbits. She is married and the mother of twin girls. She owns a wonderful dog. (Or maybe the dog owns her!) Patsi has worked as a camp counselor, political aide, and sports writer. She has dreamed about becoming a professional dancer. And a park ranger. And an artist.

Dreams are good.

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Truth or lie?

While digging through history, you often have to decide if the information you find is reliable and true. What do you think about these statements about Patsi?

  1. There are three skeletons buried in her back yard

  2. She is fascinated by a piece of history known as a “short snorter” and says it is not a drug!

  3. She once owned a sewing machine worth a thousand dollars